Subject: Sensei's signatures and avis Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:39 pm
Not a shop--this is just a place where I'm going to post my graphics. I might make it a shop of sorts. Prolly make some available slots in a couple of days. Sigs take me some time to think and take time to make so they are time consuming for me. But anyway here's what I can do.
I have more but don't feel like posting them all ^^ those are just a few. The one's with different user names were made for an account I have back on another forum. My current sig and avi were made today--I really like em'. Some are obviously better than others.
I like the dreaming of you one. o.o A way I can get it? A little edited though... You said it's not a shop. But I wanted to ask anyways cause it's important.